
A 1927 comedy song.
Words and music by Frank Sabini, Edward Clark and Van & Schenck.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Hey! Hey! That’s the way I feel
    O K! Had a great-a meal
    Down at Tony’s restaurant
    Forty cents, eat all you want
    Just had some-a-thing delish
    Two big plates, that’s all
    Noodles and navy beans mixed in a dish
    And that’s-a what you call

Pastafazoola! That’s-a very good to eat
Pastafazoola! That’s-a never can be beat
First antipasto for an appetizer fine
And then you must oh! have Italian wine
Pastafazoola! Make-a weak-a man-a strong
Pastafazoola! Make you live-a very long
And if you want have great big chest
Push the buttons off your vest
Don’t be a fool, eat Pastafazoola!

What makes Babe Ruth hit home-a run?
Why Mister Rockefeller make-a lots-a mon’?
What’s-a make-aJack Delaney think he can-a fight?
Pastafazoola, ’cause he eat it ev’ry night
What makes Gigli sing high-a note?
What make-a Cristofo Columbo take-a boat?
What’s-a make-a Mussolini boss-a Italy?
What make-a Lind-a-berg-a fly across the sea?

  1. Paysanne! Want-a something great?
    Come on, have-a big-a plate
    I bet you my barber shop
    You take one bite, you no stop
    Waiter make-a hurry up
    Don’t be so foolish
    What for you ask-a what I wanna eat?
    Just bring in two big dish

Pastafazoola! That’s-a very good to eat
Pastafazoola! That’s-a never can be beat
First antipasto for an appetizer fine
And then you must oh! have Italian wine
Pastafazoola! Make-a weak-a man-a strong
Pastafazoola! Make you live-a very long
And if you want be great big sheik
Have-a new gal ev’ry week
Don’t be a fool, eat Pastafazoola!

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: