The Washington Twist

From the 1962 musical “Mr. President”
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Doing the Washington twist
    Doing the twist with a twist
    No one is set till they finally get
    On the President’s favorite list
    President’s doubts while the ins and the outs
    Keep on doing the Washington Twist
  2. Gentlemen loaded with charm
    Seemingly meaning no harm
    But while they’re there, you’re becoming aware
    That they’re quietly twisting your arm
    Gentle in tone while promoting a loan
    Which is part of the Washington Twist
  3. Congressmen’s lips that are pucked
    Waiting for plums to be plucked
    Legal concerns, making out their returns
    With expenses they’d like to deduct
    Drinking a toast to the host with the most
    While they’re doing the Washington Twist