Little Town in the Ould County Down

A popular song from 1920
Words by Richard W. Pasco
Music by Monte Carlo and Alma M. Sanders

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:


  1. Sure if I had the wings of a swallow
    I would travel far over the sea
    Then a rocky ould road I would follow
    To a spot that is Heaven to me
    When the sun goes to rest, ‘way down in the west
    Then I’ll build such a nest, in the place I love best

In that dear little town in the ould County Down
It will linger way down in my heart
Tho’ it never was grand, it is my fairyland
Just a wonderful world set apart
Oh, my Ireland of dreams, you are with me it seems
And I care not for fame, or renown
Like the black sheep of old, I’ll come back to the fold
Little town, in the ould County Down

  1. In the evening, when shadows are falling
    Round the ould door without any key
    There’s a voice in my dreams ever calling
    There are eyes ever watching for me
    There is someone I bless with true tenderness
    And her lips I’ll caress, when I gring happiness