Little Fraud

A tale of jealousy, 1872.
words and music by Ned Harrigan

From the Harrigan and Hart play The Little Frauds.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Oh vere is dot leetle deicher darling
    Der pootiest leetle vaiter gal of all
    Oh vere is der pickles by der guarten
    Der mock oranges hanging by der wall
    How sweet she used to vait on der table
    Mit sarsaparilla vater by her tray
    Und sometimes put bottles by der labes
    Ven efer de boss he was avay

Little Fraud! chews terbaccer
Little Fraud! vats der matter
Vas der pootiest little vaiter gal of all
Little Fraud! dunner vater
Little Fraud! dunner vater
Vas der pootiest little deicher gal of all

  1. I thought I heard somebody spoken
    Und vat kind of liquors do you like
    Mein lieber schoots vill gif you such a shooking
    As makes your face so plack as blue as white
    So help me gracious
    I belief dot you haf got anonder lover
    In some onder part by dis town
    Oh I shoost took mein finger and I guv her
    A schmack dot vould shoost knock you down
  2. Now my love if you would understood me
    I vould feel shoost so happy as a lord
    Ouf you vas so kleiner as you could be
    I vouldn’t gif dot for leetle Fraud
    I don’t can’t tell vat ish der matter
    For dere you eat pretzels vere you board
    Und sometimes I bleve you never get her
    Dot onder deicher gal leetle Fraud

Sung here by Fred Feild: