
“Visions of You”
a 1922 popular song
words by Adele Czizek
music by Kate Roskopp



  1. Here in the twilight I’m smoking my pipe
    Watching the clouds drifting by
    Idly I wonder how lovely they are
    As they lazily float in the sky

There are fleecey white clouds
That are softer than down
And that float with the grace of a fawn
There are heavy black clouds
That give promise of storm
There are clouds that are blushing with dawn
There are misty grey clouds
Like a veil of chiffon
And bright clouds that merge with the blue
But the prettiest clouds are my own, dear
Of smoke that arise to form visions of you

  1. Softly the shadows of nighttime appear
    On through the twilight alone, dear, I dream
    Visions unfolding arise from the clouds
    Nearer and dearer you seem

Sung here by Fred Feild: