When Tony Goes Over the Top

A World War tale from 1918
Words and music by Alex Marr, Billy Frisch and Archie Fletcher

The sheet music:


  1. Hey! You know Tony the Barber
    Who shaves and cuts-a the hair
    He said skabooch, to his Mariooch
    He’s gonna fight “Over There”
    Hey! You know how Tony could shave you
    He’d cut you from ear to ear
    I just got a letter from Tony
    And this is what I hear

When Tony goes over the top
He no think of the barber shop
He grab-a-da gun and chas-a-da hun
And make ‘em all run like a son-of-a-gun
You can bet your life he’ll never stop
When Tony goes over the top
Keep your eyes on the fighting wop
With a fire in his eyes he’ll capture the Kais’
He don’t care if he dies
When Tony goes over the top

  1. Hey! What-a you them-a fellow
    What fly away up in the air
    And hum and a-hum and drop-a da bomb
    They fly away like he don’t care
    Well, Tony he fight that a fellow
    He bring-a down five in one place
    Now Tony’s a regular hero
    They call him Italian Ace

When Tony goes over the top
He no think of the barber shop
He grab-a-da gun and chas-a-da hun
And make ‘em all run like a son-of-a-gun
You can bet your life he’ll never stop
When Tony goes over the top
Keep your eyes on the fighting wop
With a rope of spagett and big-a-sti-lette
He’s make-a the Germans sweat
When Tony goes over the top