Better Times

a 1922 popular song
words by R.H. Burnside
music by Raymond Hubbell

This was the title song of a Broadway stage show in 1922.

The sheet music:



When you have worked all day long
And everything you’ve done has gone wrong
That’s just the time you will find
You get the blues and leave joy far behind
You rave and you curse, but you cannot disperse
The feeling that gloom must be near
And just then your luck turns and gets worse
Then gloom in a hearse will appear
You’re down in the dumps as if you had the mumps
You pull down all the blinds in the room
But just then in comes your friend joy
And he starts right away, chasing gloom. So,

Cheer up now don’t be down hearted
For we’ve got the glooms on the run
It’s going to be some night, oh, Boy!
I’ll say that we’re in right, oh, Say!
Cheer up now with gloom we’re parted
With worry and trouble we’re done
Better times will come for willing workers
Better times will never come for shirkers
Get to work, success is waiting round the corner
Go to it, do it now, you’ll see prosperity soon
If you save up your nickles and dimes
So don’t shirk just work like a Turk
And you’ll all have better times

Sung here by Fred Feild: