By-Gone Days in Dixie

From the 1909 musical show “Mr. Lode of Koal”
words by Alex Rogers
music by Bert A. Williams

The sheet music:



  1. Summertime in Dixieland
    The birds are singing sweet
    On almost every bush and tree
    There’s something good to eat
    Every day is mighty lonesome
    When you have to go to school
    But its fine when you are wading
    In the brook so clear and cool
    You forget ’bout home and Mammy
    ‘Till you hear her call your name
    It’s then the same old willow switches
    And your little songs the same

But those bygone days in Dixie
They were sweet old days
And those quaint old ways in Dixie
They were dear old ways
When Mammy talked of hard times
And how she had to squeeze
And pinch and save and struggle
So that we could live at ease
We kids we didn’t care
We thought that money grew on trees
In those by-gone days in Dixie
Those by-gone days in Dixie

  1. Wintertime in Dixieland
    Flowers all hid away
    The robin red breast and his mate
    They haven’t much to say
    Every evening just at twilight
    When our supper is all done
    We all gather by the fireside
    Knowing there will be some fun
    Dad would tell ’bout Jack O’ Lantern
    And what Santa Claus had said
    And how the Boogie man would catch us
    If we didn’t run to bed

Sung here by Fred Feild: